"For if you remain silent at this time,
relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place,
but you and your father’s family will perish.
And who knows but that you have come to your royal position
for such a time as this?”
To be honest, I would love to have all my thoughts recorded into one platform but I realized it is impossible.
That is why I've decided to create another blog specially dedicated to writing all my honest struggles
not because I am proud of them but because I really believe God allowed me to be someone
who thinks a lot and considers different perspective to gain better understand of human relations
and accompanied with my experiences to thereafter to use this gift through my weakness
to bring glory to God by speaking what I hear Him say to me and what He wants me to say out loud.
How much more will the heavenly Father give to someone like me when I have nothing: Luke 11
to bring glory to God by speaking what I hear Him say to me and what He wants me to say out loud.
How much more will the heavenly Father give to someone like me when I have nothing: Luke 11
Because I am not a good public speaker, I pray that God protects me and blesses you
with this platform that helps me to craft my thoughts and my understanding each day.
with this platform that helps me to craft my thoughts and my understanding each day.
That is why the blog url is 'she writes truth' ... because that captures the two overarching
ideas of my blog: God's truth, and the truth about myself.
ideas of my blog: God's truth, and the truth about myself.
This is where I will blog about my daily thoughts, struggles and frustrations and how
God has been patient with me for ever so long and still continues to speak to me
through His word - the Truth - which helps me to know Him with intimacy and thereafter
to experience joy which can be found in no other for eternity.
If you'd like to know more about my daily routine, or the more hands-on part of my life (lol),
you can head over to Dreams Ignite to read more about it.
This blog is dedicated to behind-the-scenes life of a Christian girl who is seeking
This blog is dedicated to behind-the-scenes life of a Christian girl who is seeking
to live and experience a life that honors and glorifies God in every area of her life.
Even though I keep falling and disappointing God when I disobey Him,
Even though I keep falling and disappointing God when I disobey Him,
I know that I can get back up on my feet because Christ already has victory.
Enough of the chatting, my new blog journey begins :)
In Christ I have the courage to share truthfully,
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